E-Rescue changes forever the way we rescue crash victims
The E-Rescue System is the first post-accident safety system that facilitate the rescue of victims after a bus accident and reduce the emergency services’ intervention time, thus increasing the victims’ chances of survival and minimising injuries. This is the first invehicle system for the immobilization and extrication of victims.

The E-RESCUE device can be installed in any type of bus seat by placing our device between the original seat and the base: installation in one bus is done in only one day by 3 trained workers. So, in the case of a crash, the E-RESCUE device makes it possible to immobilise the victims against the backrest of their seat, without moving them. The device then automatically releases the seat from the base, to be used as the stretcher to transfer victims in the safest and fastest way to the hospital and, at the same time, this gains space inside the vehicle for emergency services to work better and faster. With E-RESCUE a standard bus seat becomes a “life saver seat”.
The anchoring mechanism is the key component of the technology, made of an ultra-resistant aluminium alloy and designed for its easy installation between the seat anchorage to the floor and the underside of the seat. This is the technical component that, after immobilization of victims with the next two components, enables the released seats to be used as first stretchers by simply pulling on the red strap.

Different straps of 3 different colours (white, blue and red) are included in a piece of fabric fitted with Velcro, so this can be rolled up for compact storage and simply stacked at the back of the backrest. The straps are then easily released from the fabric, removing the Velcro and are used by the emergency services as a harness for immobilizing victims along the length of the “head-neck-spinal column”. Clear, visual and easy instructions on how to use each strap for correct immobilization of victims against the backrest of the seat, are included in the piece of fabric that holds them.

This is a highly malleable collar made of a light, ductile aluminium alloy (military technology) that can be stored in a minimum space, folded up and adapted to multiple sizes (suitable for both adults and children) simply by bending the flanges of the upper edge of the collar. The anchoring mechanism is the key component of the technology, made of an ultra-resistant aluminium alloy and designed for its easy installation between the seat anchorage to the floor and the underside of the seat. This is the technical component that, after immobilization of victims with the next two components, enables the released seats to be used as first stretchers by simply pulling on the red strap.

Components 2 and 3 are stored away, concealed in a closed compartment located underneath the seats. This compartment forms part of the front of the anchoring mechanism. Besides components 2 and 3, the red strap is concealed inside this compartment, to pull out and release the seat, and the green straps, which are used for immobilization of the victim’s legs against the seat. The compartment has a special blocking mechanism that can be opened only by the emergency services in case of need and only after this, the components are released, and the entire system is visible and usable for its purpose.

A Unique Approach
Our vision is to introduce onboard safety systems that facilitates the rescue of crash victims. This is the new concept of “PostAccident Safety”. We do that thanks to our unique and patented solution: the E-RESCUE system. To rescue the crash victims the best solution is to use their seats to immobilise them, protecting their spine, and release the seat from the structure to use it as a stretcher.