1st July 2019 SEDE DE CEOE – SALA JOSE MARÍA CUEVAS Calle Diego de León, 50 MADRID

Pere Navarro
Spanish main Government body responsible of road safety.

Mar Cogollos
President of AESLEME (Association for the study of Spinal Cord Injury)

Bartolome Vargas
Road Safety Prosecutor of the Ministry of Justice

Sergio de Rico

Benito Bermejo
Deputy Director of Road Transport – Ministerio de Fomento

Pedro Antonio Ruíz
President of APRAT (Professional Association of Rescue in Traffic Accidents

Pablo Busca Ostoloza
Managing Director of SUMMA 112

Rafael Barbadillo
President of CONFEBUS
The vacational trips begin and bring accidents with them. We all have to help that they do not happen and also to make them as harmless as possible. This meeting is aimed at raising awareness about road safety and presenting the latest advances in safety systems.
to prevent
The correct conduction respecting the norms and being prudent joined to the systems of active security are the first level of security.
to protect
In the event of a collision, the use of the safety belt is essential and the rest of the passive safety systems reduce the consecuences of the impact.
It is vital to reduce the time of rescue and transfer to the hospital, the teams of toilets and firefighters face an arduous task, and for the first time, a post-accident safety system facilitates their work and saves lives.
Among the alternatives to travel, the bus is the means of land transport with the higest level of security avaliable and regular bus lines offer the best alternative of safe and sustainable travel.